
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Arrival: Day 9

December 9, 2018

“The weary world rejoices...” 

We all know the feeling of being weary. It comes at the worst times and usually manifests itself in the worst of ways. It’s when you’re sitting there with your head between your knees watching as the tears fall heavy on the floor and you beg God to just help you get through this day. Or it’s when you’re gathered in a room full of people, supposedly celebrating this holiday full of joy and cheer, but instead feeling as if there’s anywhere you’d rather be than HERE. Often times we do not recognize the weariness coming until we are drowning with no sense of up or down and no way to break through the waters. 

So how do we rejoice? What makes a weary world and my weary heart rejoice? 
Nothing else but the sheer glory of a baby who was born in the weariest of places to the weary laden world. The baby who brought peace and redemption and everything that our hearts have been craving since the Fall. That tiny heartbeat gave my heart new life and and a reason to rejoice. 

So through my weariness I will rejoice because this is only temporal. BECAUSE of my weariness I will rejoice, for without trials I would never lean into His strong arms. This is only a stop before Glory and THAT is where weariness will be washed away and every single soul will rejoice forever and ever. 

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