
Friday, November 16, 2018

Present Discomforts and Future Promises

The story of the Israelites wandering through the desert has always been one that I rushed through with a puzzled look and not much interest (if I’m being totally honest). How ungrateful could they be? Why would they complain over such simple things? How could they desire to be back in Egypt... back in bondage? But recently, my entire outlook has changed because when I look at myself I see an Israelite. 
            I open my Bible to the book of Numbers and once again His Spirit meets me there bringing Truth and Conviction and Grace all at once. As I read through the story of God’s chosen people using every uncomfortable moment to complain and ask God “Why?!?” I realize that this has been me. In Numbers 11: 4-6, the people are complaining about not having any meat: “We remember the fish we had in Egypt that cost nothing,... but now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.” The very thing that they had prayed for (deliverance) had been given to them, and not only deliverance but the hope of a land where they could flourish and be under the rule of their King and Creator. But, here they were, complaining about not having the meat that they did in Egypt... the meat that they ate in bondage.
The complaints of their present circumstances were leading the minds of the Israelites to embellish their past. Egypt was the place that they worked long hours, under cruel conditions, for pagan people; yet, here they stand, a free people with the glory of God leading their every step, heading toward a beautiful land but complaining every step of the way. 
This middle place is where I find myself lately. I stand under the full assurance of God’s grace in my hard moments and live in the place that His Spirit has called me to. I am lavished with His love and protected by His arms. Yet, I stand here with complaints flowing from my tongue instead of praise and wishing I had the comforts I left behind. 
No, America wasn’t a place of bondage for me, but to stay would have been disobedient. And now I’m here, in His will and plan, wishing I was out of His will and plan only because I’m uncomfortable at the moment. How selfish! How arrogant and prideful! 
God did not promise the people that the journey would be easy, but He did give them the hope of freedom and a land to call their own where they would be under HIS rule and reign. God has promised me, not an easy path, but one where I get to watch Him work in ways I could have never imagined and see results of His grace and salvation.  
1 Thessalonians 3 gives encouragement to believers “so no one would be unsettled by these trials. For you know quite well that we are destined for them.” I’m destined for these trials? YES! Because I’m following a Savior who was also destined for trial and even death, so how should I expect to come out unscathed when my Redeemer had to die! My trials are nothing compared to others in the harvest field all over the world and they are certainly nothing compared to the ones my Savior endured! 
            I will continue to bow before the Father and beg Him to make me humble and remind me of His promises and the future hope that He has given to us as believers. My mind has to be on the things of eternity because my mind ruled by my flesh will only lead to sin. So I’ll praise Him for the truth and conviction of His word and praise Him for His grace that I do not deserve. My present discomforts have no comparison to His goodness, nor should I allow them to overshadow His future promises. 

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