One of the things that I was most afraid of was leaving my family. I had this mental image in my head of us arriving at the airport and me just lying on the ground saying “No! I cannot do this. I will not do this.” But somehow, I’m sitting here almost 5 days later in my apartment in Japan. I did it.. but not on my own. That morning was tough, and I’m thankful that it’s over with. But I can say that the Spirit of God literally picked me up and carried me through that airport, through TSA, through the 15 hour flight, and all the way into this country. This country that is seeking Hope. This country filled with 127 million people that He loves so very much.
A verse that was given to me just a few days before I left was John 14: 24, “Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’” The comfort in those few words is more than I can describe. The thing I feared most, leaving my family (my home), began to fade away as I realized this promise that was given to me from Jesus himself. Wherever I am, I’m at home because I have the Father andthe Son abiding with me through the Spirit. God is making His home with me. Currently that looks like me waking up every morning begging Him to reveal himself so that I know I’m not alone in this land 7,000 miles from comfort. It looks like simple glimpses of Grace that get me through the dark hours of the night when I wake up and begin to say… “Oh no.. I’m alone.” When I know that truly I am not.
Over these past few days I have experienced the grace and comfort that comes only from a relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. He has enabled me to conquer every new thing and all of the ups and downs of this transition. It is not easy… actually it’s very difficult. But every morning I awaken and say, “We did it God! We survived yesterday… now help me to thrive today!” I’ll probably try to look back and forget about each emotion I have experienced through this process… but the one thing I will not forgetis the peace and grace that has been lavished upon me. God is good and if we keep His word (declare his name to all people) He comes to us, THIS GOD OF THE UNIVERSE COMES TO US! And He makes His home WITH US! What a promise, and since we know God doesn’t lie we can count fully on that promise to be fulfilled. I am living proof that it is being fulfilled day by day. Praise Him!